Solar electric tricycle is used for delivering the cargo and selling fruits , gift or other goods on the side of the street.
The Solar panel could provide the power to the battery all day from Sunshine.
The solar e rickshaw is with 48V 800W-1000w motor . We can adjust the motor following the request from Customer.
The three wheel bajaj tuk tuk ‘s
Solar electric tricycle is used for delivering the cargo and selling fruits , gift or other goods on the side of the street.
The Solar panel could provide the power to the battery all day from Sunshine.
The solar three wheel motorcycle is with 48V 800W-1000w motor . We can adjust the motor following the request from Customer.
The cng auto rickshaw max speed is arroud 28- 30km/h
Closed cabin protects driver from rainy or windy weather.
Closed cabin protects driver from rainy or windy weather.